What causes nail infection? (Onychomycosis) ?

Dermatophytes are the fungi most commonly responsible for causing this condition. They are specialised organisms that live off of keratin which is the main component of nails and skin. The most common fungi that cause nail infection disease are Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, and Candida albicans. Everyone is at risk for infection because fungus is present everywhere in the  environment.

Where does nail infection come from?

Nail infection is caused by contact with dermatophytes which are everywhere in our environment. Common sources of infection include swimming pools, public showers, gyms and nail spas. Tight fitting shoes and nail trauma can also lead to infection. Genetic susceptibility, poor health and increasing age are also factors that increase the risk of nail infection.

What are the symptoms of nail infection?

You may suffer from nail infection (onychomycosis) if you have one or more of the following symptoms:
Discolored nails
Yellow streaks under the nail
Distorted or thickened nails
Brittle, crumbly or ragged nail
Nails separated from the underlying skin
Buildup of debris (nail fragments, skin) under the nail
White spots or streaks on the nail surface

Are there any clinical studies?

In a clinical study, 68% of patients treated for toenail fungus showed improvement in the percent of nail clear of infection. (1) see below for reference.
Also a recent clinical trial showed that 71.88% of a controlled group improved and cured.

Is a laser safe?

Nd:YAG 1064nm laser that has been shown to be both a safe and effective solution for the treatment of nail infection (Onychomycosis), more commonly known as toenail fungus.

How does it work?

Laser light from the laser passes through the nail and the surrounding tissue. The laser light is absorbed by pigment in the fungi, which causes the pigment to heat, and this heat kills or damages the fungal organism. This can result in your nail growing normally.

Will the fungus come back?

Your nail infection should improve following treatment but you will need to continue with home care techniques to reduce recurrence of the infection as advised. There is a chance of re-infection because the fungus is present everywhere in the environment.

What can you expect?

The treatment involves passing the laser beam over the infected nails and surrounding skin. This will be repeated  several times until enough energy has reached the nail bed. Your nail will feel warm during the treatment.